Scroll Down On Past Events To See Photos, Videos, Resources And Links From Past Community Workshops


Scroll Down On Past Events To See Photos, Videos, Resources And Links From Past Community Workshops 〰️



  • (Zoom Event) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TBR is once again collaborating with Unity Circles to host a Transformative Justice 101 virtual workshop. This workshop aims to introduce people to the concept of transformative justice, a way of thinking that addresses the underlying causes of harm and injustice.

In this workshop, we will introduce Transformative Justice and explore how we can start practicing Transformative Justice skills with ourselves. We will explore self-accountability and use the restorative discipline window to help us understand where we are at and what opportunities exist for us to shift our mindsets so that we do not continue to replicate the ways of being we have been subjected to by oppressive systems.

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Post Election - Support Space & Community Potluck

Post Election - Support Space & Community Potluck

TBR collaborated with Unity Circles to put together a post-election community space to process the election results. Each person processes differently. So, we will have a few different stations.

Station Descriptions:

Podmapping & Safety Planning: Explore the tool of podmapping to identify the relationships of support for this moment and beyond.

Explore the tool of safety planning to proactively support wellbeing and safety in challenging conditions. (Facilitated)

Plotting: Reflect and share ideas about what’s next, given the state of things, through engaging a series of prompts. (Unfacilitated)

Art Space: A space to create and express as we navigate an uncertain time. Various art supplies as well as Vent Diagrams will be available to interrogate contradictions. (Unfacilitated)

Chill Space: A quiet space available for when you need to just be. (Unfacilitated)

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Shotspotter 101 (Spanish) Evento de Taller Comunitario

Shotspotter 101 (Spanish) Evento de Taller Comunitario

En esta oportunidad vamos a reunir a la populación en Cambridge de habla hispana para hablar sobre este dispositivo de audio vigilancia que la policía de Cambridge usa, la cual pretende hacer un trabajo el cual no solo es innecesario, pero trae con el implicaciones de poder violar nuestros derechos de privacidad como habitantes de esta ciudad.

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Palestine: Thinking Global and Acting Local - Against Genocide / Against Apartheid

Palestine: Thinking Global and Acting Local - Against Genocide / Against Apartheid

The Black Response is collaborating with BDS Boston, Muslim Justice League, PYM Boston, and JVP Boston, to host a community education event on Palestine. The framing for this panel is Thinking Global and Acting Local. We have invited speakers that represent various levels on the global scale, with Cambridge as its center; as Cambridge is where we are organizing from.

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Justice 4 Housing - Far from Home Report

Justice 4 Housing - Far from Home Report

This workshop you will discover how we were able to educate Public Housing Authorities about the collateral consequences their discriminatory housing policies had on communities of color

We are proud that our hard work and commitment have been recognized by the Dept of Housing and Urban Development. 6 out of our 12 Policy Recs from our Far From Home report have been adopted by HUD

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How Your 501(c)(3) Can Influence Policy for the Greater Good

How Your 501(c)(3) Can Influence Policy for the Greater Good

  • Zoom Event - (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Nonprofits have a close-up view of community needs and can and should take advantage of their right to influence law and policy. After this workshop, you will have a clear understanding of what advocacy activities your 501(c)(3) can engage in, what communications count as lobbying, and how to maximize your non-lobbying advocacy.

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Navigating Cambridge Resources

Navigating Cambridge Resources

In this 90-minute training, you will use the Cambridge

Resources Ecosystem Map and the NEW Find It

Cambridge to:

Gain a basic understanding of how to find

and access Cambridge resources

Learn how to find what is available instead

of memorizing everything

Practice and participate in small group activities

Identify potential partners

Network and make connections with others

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Racial Justice Collective - Colombian abolitionist

Racial Justice Collective - Colombian abolitionist

A fishbowl is a form of participatory facilitation in which a few active participants, a smaller group (up to 6 people), sit in the center to discuss the topic while the rest of the participants sit in a circle around the outside of the fishbowl to observe and can take turns joining the center if they wish.

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De-Escalation Training

De-Escalation Training

Students learn skills and best practices for creating and maintaining a safe environment while de-escalating situations with strangers and people they know.

Instructors use scenario-based learning and role play to highlight safety measures that can be used in real-life situations. Scenarios are taught at levels from low threat to high threat to show a range of risks. Students get a chance to practice their skills with instructors who play the role of escalating individuals.

Skills Taught:

• Verbal and nonverbal communication strategies for de-escalation

• Adrenaline management techniques for self-care

• Strategic positioning and body language to enhance physical safety

• Assessment skills to determine the course of action

• Using verbal contracts to reinforce boundaries

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American Roulette - “The Social Logic of Death Penalty Sentencing Trials”

American Roulette - “The Social Logic of Death Penalty Sentencing Trials”

Dr. Kaufman’s 2020 book, with University of California Press, is the first systematic ethnography of death penalty trials in the United States. Taking readers inside capital courtrooms across the country, Kaufman shows that the “super due process” accorded capital is the system’s best attempt at fair and impartial criminal sentencing, but fails to create justice.

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What about the dangerous few?

What about the dangerous few?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Debate Night

Debate Night

Our objective is to create a dynamic space within Cambridge's communities, especially Black and Brown ones, to have impactful and productive conversations on how to tackle issues of crime and violence that affect us. Please join us if you want to be a part of the conversation.

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Street Medic Workshop

Street Medic Workshop

In this workshop, we will share practical knowledge of life-saving skills for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), bleeding control, stroke recognition, and frostbite. This workshop is led by Symphony, a capable member of TBR and Ujimaa Medics (Chicago, IL).

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What keeps us safe?

What keeps us safe?

What might a world beyond policing look like? What would it feel like? What would it require of us? Join us on Jan. 11th at 6 pm for a community conversation focused on the question: What keeps us safe?

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