TBR collaborated with Unity Circles to put together a post-election community space to process the election results. Each person processes differently. So, we will have a few different stations.
Station Descriptions:
Podmapping & Safety Planning: Explore the tool of podmapping to identify the relationships of support for this moment and beyond.
Explore the tool of safety planning to proactively support wellbeing and safety in challenging conditions. (Facilitated)
Plotting: Reflect and share ideas about what’s next, given the state of things, through engaging a series of prompts. (Unfacilitated)
Art Space: A space to create and express as we navigate an uncertain time. Various art supplies as well as Vent Diagrams will be available to interrogate contradictions. (Unfacilitated)
Chill Space: A quiet space available for when you need to just be. (Unfacilitated)